Oliver Craven Oliver Craven

The Power of Behind-the-Scenes in Real Estate: Boosting Your Social Media Strategy

The Power of Behind-the-Scenes in Real Estate: Boosting Your Social Media Strategy

In the world of real estate, where visuals are king and competition is fierce, standing out on social media is not just an option – it's a necessity. And what better way to do this than by giving your audience a sneak peek behind the curtain? That's right, we're talking about behind-the-scenes (BTS) footage. This isn't just fluff; it's strategic gold.

1. Humanizing Your Brand

Firstly, BTS content humanizes your brand. It’s not just about sterile images of properties anymore. You're showing real people, real emotions, and the hustle behind making those spaces look picture-perfect. It’s about the passionate team, the meticulous staging, the laughs, and sometimes the challenges. This human aspect creates a connection that stock-standard property photos simply can't.

2. Building Trust

BTS content is raw and unfiltered, which breeds authenticity. In a world where consumers are bombarded with polished advertising, authenticity is a breath of fresh air. When potential clients see the work and dedication put into marketing a property, their trust in your brand grows. Trust is the currency of real estate; earn it, and you've won half the battle.

3. Showcasing Expertise and Quality

Let's not forget the showcase of expertise. BTS footage can highlight the technology, techniques, and creativity involved in your work. This isn't just about showing off; it's about demonstrating the value you bring to the table. It's one thing to say you're great at what you do, it's another to show the painstaking effort that goes into capturing that perfect shot or setting up a flawless virtual tour.

4. Engaging Content Variety

Variety is the spice of life, and this rings true for social media content. Mixing property showcases with BTS footage keeps your feed fresh and engaging. It breaks the monotony and keeps your audience hooked. Remember, the goal is to keep them scrolling, and what better way to do that than with a mix of polished professionalism and engaging authenticity?

5. Fuel for Storytelling

Every property has a story, and BTS content lets you tell it in a unique way. It’s not just about the end product; it’s about the journey to get there. This narrative approach is compelling and can make even the most mundane aspects of real estate seem interesting. Who knew a discussion about lighting techniques or camera angles could be so captivating?

6. Fostering Community and Interaction

Finally, BTS content invites interaction. It's a conversation starter. People love to see what goes on behind the scenes and are more likely to comment on these posts. This interaction boosts your social media algorithms, increasing your visibility. Plus, it’s an excellent way to get feedback and engage directly with your audience.

Conclusion: It's Not Just About Selling Properties

In conclusion, incorporating BTS content into your social media strategy is not just about selling properties; it’s about building a brand that resonates with people. It’s about storytelling, trust-building, and showcasing the human element in a tech-driven industry. So, grab that camera, start filming, and let the world see what goes into making those stunning properties shine. Remember, in real estate, it’s not just the properties that matter, it’s the stories behind them.

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Oliver Craven Oliver Craven

The Power of Flambient Photography: Elevating Real Estate Listings

When it comes to selling real estate, captivating imagery plays a vital role in attracting potential buyers. The world of real estate photography has evolved significantly over the years, and one technique that has gained popularity among professionals is flambient photography. In this article, we'll explore why flambient photography is superior to standard photography for showcasing real estate listings, and how it can make a significant impact on the success of your property sales.

What is Flambient Photography?

Flambient photography is a technique that combines elements of flash and ambient lighting to create stunning, well-exposed images. By blending the natural light available in the environment with carefully positioned artificial lighting, flambient photography enhances the visual appeal of a property and showcases its best features.

  1. Balancing Exposure

One of the key advantages of flambient photography over standard photography is its ability to achieve balanced exposures. In real estate, rooms with bright windows and darker interiors can pose a challenge when capturing images. Standard photography often results in overexposed windows or underexposed interiors, failing to showcase the true potential of a space. Flambient photography solves this problem by effectively balancing the exposure of both the exterior and interior elements, resulting in visually appealing images that accurately represent the property.

  1. Enhanced Details and Depth

Flambient photography excels in capturing details and depth, thereby providing potential buyers with a comprehensive view of the property. By using a combination of flash and ambient lighting, flambient photography brings out the textures, colors, and architectural elements that may be lost in standard photography. This technique creates an immersive visual experience, allowing viewers to appreciate the finer aspects of a space and imagine themselves living there.

  1. Showcasing Lighting Features

Properly showcasing lighting features can significantly enhance the aesthetic appeal of a property. Flambient photography expertly captures the interplay of natural and artificial light sources, highlighting the various lighting fixtures and creating a warm and inviting ambiance. This technique not only adds to the overall attractiveness of the space but also enables potential buyers to visualize different lighting scenarios, making the property more enticing.

  1. Flexibility and Versatility

Flambient photography offers greater flexibility and versatility compared to standard photography. With the ability to control lighting conditions, photographers can adapt to different property layouts, times of day, and weather conditions. Whether it's a sunny morning, a dimly lit evening, or a property with challenging lighting situations, flambient photography ensures consistent and high-quality results.

  1. Distinctive and Memorable Images

In a competitive real estate market, it's crucial to make a lasting impression on potential buyers. Flambient photography helps create distinct and memorable images that stand out from the crowd. By combining the best features of both natural and artificial lighting, flambient photography produces captivating visuals that grab attention and evoke an emotional response. These eye-catching images leave a lasting impact on viewers, increasing the likelihood of inquiries and offers.


When it comes to showcasing real estate listings, flambient photography has proven to be a game-changer. With its ability to balance exposure, capture details and depth, highlight lighting features, and provide flexibility and versatility, flambient photography delivers images that are both visually appealing and informative. By investing in flambient photography, real estate professionals can elevate their listings and attract more potential buyers, ultimately leading to faster sales and increased profitability.

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Oliver Craven Oliver Craven

How to spot a good property videographer

If you're in the business of selling real estate, chances are you've heard of property videographers. Property videographers are professionals who create videos for properties to help them stand out from the competition as well as to promote their listings online. These videos can be used on websites and social media platforms, making it easier for potential buyers to see what a property looks like and what features it has. A good property videographer will also be able to work with clients across different time zones since in reality, there will be property owners who want their properties featured but live overseas.

If a company has a real estate video production blog, make sure the content is unique and offers insights into the industry.

If a company has a real estate video production blog, make sure the content is unique and offers insights into the industry. A good blog should be written by someone who is knowledgeable about the industry and can offer a unique perspective on it. You want to see that they’re offering insights into the industry that you can’t find anywhere else.

A good property videographer should also have samples of videos they've completed before to give you an idea of what they're capable of.

A good property videographer should also have samples of videos they've completed before to give you an idea of what they're capable of. A typical video might show a property being sold, or another example that is similar to your project.

A good property videographer should be very responsive to your requests as well as your preferences in how you would like things done.

A good property videographer should be very responsive to your requests as well as your preferences in how you would like things done. If a videographer can't meet those basic standards, it's probably not worth the time or money to work with them. For example, if they take days or weeks to respond to an email or phone call and then don't even apologize for the delay, that's a big red flag!

A good property videographer should also be flexible when it comes to changes in schedule—not only for themselves but for their clients too! For example: "Our client wants us there at 6 p.m., but my flight doesn't get into town until 6:30 p." A good property videographer will not only make sure their own schedule is flexible enough so that this sort of thing doesn't happen regularly (or at all), but also work with their client(s) on making sure that everyone involved is happy and comfortable with the changes being made by everyone else involved!

Furthermore, a good property video producer should offer advice on how best showcase each room/area within any given home being filmed; this includes helping improve lighting setup when needed so as avoid darkness obscuring key visual elements during filming sessions--which ultimately results in poor quality footage later down the road when editing takes place afterwards. They might also suggest different ways someone could choose between different types of cameras (like DSLR vs mirrorless vs point-and-shoot) depending on budget constraints while still maintaining maximum quality output."

A good property videographer should also be able to work with clients across different time zones since in reality, there will be property owners who want their properties featured but live overseas.

A good property videographer should also be able to work with clients across different time zones since in reality, there will be property owners who want their properties featured but live overseas.

While some people would think that this would be difficult, it’s not really the case if you have a good property videographer on your side.

A good property videographer should also take the time to really get to know the client and their business in order to create something that matches their personal brand.

A good property videographer should also take the time to really get to know the client and their business in order to create something that matches their personal brand. The more a property video company knows about who you are, what your goals are, and who your target audience is, the better able they will be to create something that fits with your brand.

A good property videographer should also take the time to really get to know the client and their business in order to create something that matches their personal brand. The more a property video company knows about who you are, what your goals are, and who your target audience is, the better able they will be able to create something that fits with your brand.

A good one will have recommendations by other realtors and other professionals in the industry that can vouch for their work ethic and quality of work.

A good one will have recommendations by other realtors and other professionals in the industry that can vouch for their work ethic and quality of work. You should be able to find these people on social media, as well as ask your local real estate association if they know anyone who has worked with them before.

If you're going through a large company such as Listing Agent Lifestyle, it's likely that there are hundreds of agents using their services. Before using them, make sure that you check out their testimonials first so that you can see how satisfied other agents were working with them. If they don't have any testimonials listed anywhere online then this might be a red flag!

You can find a good property videographer if you know what qualities to look for

You can find a good property videographer if you know what qualities to look for. Good communication skills are essential, as this person will need to be able to speak with your realtor, other professionals involved in the project and even your customers and employees. Look for someone who is able to communicate effectively with everyone involved in the project so that everyone has what they need for success.

It's also important that the property videographer be able to provide great quality work. A property video can help sell a home faster than any other marketing technique and present it in its best light possible.


In conclusion, there are certain qualities that make a good property videographer. They should be able to work with you on your preferences as well as understand what you need from them in order to create something that works for everyone involved. The key is finding someone who has experience and referrals from other people in the industry because if they don't have these things then chances are they won't deliver what they promise either!

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Oliver Craven Oliver Craven

The most sort after feature in a property

Number one and still very much the desire is a kitchen that has natural light.

If you're looking to buy a home, the top feature that most people are after is a kitchen with natural light. This is still very much the desire of people and it's important that your kitchen is well lit as this can really make or break a property. It needs to be functional, modern and open plan so that there's no division between areas and it needs to be big enough! This will help with storage which again is something else buyers look for in properties when buying.

Good size living room with a feature fire place, it’s all about character.

When you’re looking for a home, the size of the living room is one of the most important features. The larger the room, the more space there is for entertaining and relaxing in front of a warm fire.

It’s all about character! A feature fireplace adds charm to your living space as well as being able to keep you warm when needed.

En-suite bathrooms are becoming the norm over the family bathroom, buyers want their own privacy.

When it comes to house design, the most requested feature is an en-suite bathroom.

An en-suite bathroom is the ideal choice for those who want their own space and privacy. In addition, they’re great for people with mobility issues or who have small children as they can be designed in a way that allows them to be easily used.

This doesn't mean that buyers are no longer interested in a family bathroom; instead there has been a shift towards having one within each bedroom suite as opposed to sharing one family room with everyone else on the floorplan. The benefit of this is that there will be more space available for other rooms like kitchen or living room options which tend not to have many regulations placed upon them in terms of size limitations!

An extra bedroom or loft conversion is desired by most buyers, space is always positive.

The most sort after feature in a property is extra space. Whether it be an extra bedroom or loft conversion, space is always positive. With the current market being so competitive, space is a premium and buyers are increasingly seeking out larger properties over smaller ones.

The average house size has increased from 90m2 in the 1980s to 124m2 today, which means we are living in much larger properties than ever before!

Natural light in a property is the most sort after feature for buyers

It should be noted that natural light is one of the most important features in any property. It is an important part of mental health, energy efficiency and can also increase a property’s value and aesthetics.

Natural light is great for comfort as well as it helps to improve productivity by increasing your mood, making you more alert and improving sleep quality.


These are just some of the features that buyers are looking for in their next home, but there are plenty more. If you feel like you want to chat about your property and how we can help with any upgrades or improvements then give us a call today!

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Oliver Craven Oliver Craven

Why Video Matters


You know that video is an important part of real estate sales. But you may not know the many ways it can help your listing stand out from the crowd.

It creates a story for the viewer

Video is a great way to show a property in its best light. Using video, you can highlight the home's best features and effectively highlight the reasons why someone should buy it. You can even use video to tell a story about your property—such as how you fell in love with it and why you think other people will love it too.

A video helps you stand out from the crowd

Video is a great way to stand out from the crowd. People are bombarded with content every day, and video is among the most important types of content because it's so visual. Video can show off your property better than any other medium, and today’s homeowners want more information before making decisions.

When you combine these things, you have a clear advantage over other agents who aren’t using video for their listings in this way or at all!

Video encourages shares

  • Video is more engaging. Videos are more memorable and shareable, which makes them a powerful tool for encouraging viewers to remember your brand and share it with their friends.

  • Video is more searchable. YouTube videos ranked in Google's top 10 only get around 35% of total views—the remaining 65% come from organic searches (and, yes, paid ads).

Video is engaging

Video is more engaging than still photography. It’s a fact that video attracts more attention than still photography, which draws people in and makes them feel like they are there. By engaging your audience with video content, you are able to tell a story in an engaging way that helps them understand what you do or sell better than words alone can.

Video is a great way to communicate with your audience. Videos convey information faster and more effectively than text-based content because they engage the human eye and mind in a different way than still images do.

There are many reasons why video of properties sells properties faster than still photography

There are many reasons why video of properties sells properties faster than still photography.

  • Video is more engaging than still photography. A single photograph can be very beautiful, but sometimes it’s just not enough to tell the story of what a house or condo looks like in person. If you haven’t been inside a property and seen what it feels like, consider renting a drone or asking your real estate agent to take video footage of the home so you can see all the details up close.

  • Video is more memorable than still photography. Humans remember things better when they see them moving rather than standing still—it's called "the moving image effect." A great example of this is how we remember commercials on television; we tend to recall them as being far more vivid than if we'd just read about them in an ad on Facebook or Twitter!

  • Video is more shareable than still photography. It's no secret that human beings love sharing good content with each other via social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram—and this includes videos too! The popularity of platforms such as Youtube demonstrate how much people love sharing videos with others within their network


Video is a powerful tool for selling your property. It can help you stand out from the crowd, it’s engaging for viewers and makes the story of your home come alive in a way that still photographs just can’t do. There are many reasons why video sells faster than still photography and we’re sure that once you try it out on one of your listings, you will see why too!

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